
Tamerlane’s True Liberal Nation is my Credo. Make it yours too!

True Liberal Nation™

In current parlance, the term “liberal” has become a pejorative.  Liberalism has been falsely equated with collectivization at home and weakness abroad.  Liberals are portrayed as “bleeding hearts”, out of touch with the mainstream, lost in fantasy, incapable of getting things done.

In truth, liberal ideals are American ideals.  From its birth, our Nation’s success, prosperity and well-being have been secured by implementing liberal principles.  When others have wished to hold us back, it’s been Liberals who’ve had the courage, tenacity and vision to move us forward and make us better and stronger.

Liberalism on the Run

Given all the right wing blather these days, it might come as a surprise to learn that most Americans agree with liberal principles.  Yet poll after poll reveals that overwhelming majorities of Americans favor:

  • Universal healthcare with a public option;
  • Addressing deficits not by cutting programs, rather by restoring tax levels on the very rich;
  • Keeping Social Security healthy & intact;
  • Ending the needless wars in Iraq & Afghanistan;
  • Protecting women’s choice;
  • Maintaining separation of church & state;
  • Moving to energy independence through renewable sources;
  • Election reform and campaign finance limits;
  • Strengthening regulations that protect us from the rapacious greed and misdeeds of banks & corporations.

While the talking heads try to convince us the country is turning red, the American people are telling us that in fact, they’re all blue states.

Why then, is Liberalism on the run?  In large part because its traditional standard-bearer, the Democratic Party, has gone astray in both words and in deeds.  An impostor Democrat in the White House has thrown open the gates of our free, egalitarian society and allowed the corporate brigands to sack and pillage our nation.  The wishes and principles of the majority of Americans are being ignored.

A True Liberal Nation™

Enough of that.  Today we announce the inception of True Liberal Nation™.  A nationwide advocacy group, True Liberal Nation will:

  1. Combat the defamation of liberalism, and fairly present the true liberal principles espoused by most Americans;
  2. Urge the Democratic Party to return to its principles and to nominate candidates that support true liberal principles;
  3. Endorse, support and vote for only true liberal candidates, regardless of party affiliation;
  4. Support third party candidates, or field candidates of our own when required.

This is not an astroturfed movement. It’s not even grassroots.  True Liberal Nation is more a “grass seed” movement — germs of ideas and actions with you providing the watering to see them grow.   We announce two action items today, both to deal with our most urgent task, replacing ASAP that corporatist whore in the White House with a competent true liberal.  They are simple and fun to participate in, so please do take part in them.

Because They’re All Blue States™

Despite the spew of lies and distortions from the Right, true liberal values are actually shared by a majority of Americans.  From universal healthcare, taxes, to renewable energy and avoiding needless wars, liberal values are American values.   As the traditional standard-bearer of liberal ideals, The Democratic Party — the largest political party in the free world — has failed.  Failed both to promote liberal ideals and to adhere to them.   That’s where True Liberal Nation™ steps in.

True Liberal Nation is a nationwide political advocacy group devoted to three goals

  1. Combat the defamation of the true liberal principles that most Americans believe in;
  2. Persuade the Democratic Party to adhere to liberal principals, and to nominate only true liberal candidates;
  3. Support third party candidates, or run candidates of our own, when required.

TLN will launch multiple initiatives to further these goals.  On our agenda for 2011 are the first set of these initiatives:

1. BO Must GO

Our first priority is to send an unmistakable message to the leadership of the Democratic Party:  under no circumstances will true liberals vote for barack obama in 2012.  Nor will we vote for any Democrats who endorse obama in 2012.

In 2008, some true liberals saw BO for the fraud he really was, some believed his glittering promises, while others of us voted for him simply because the was the Democratic candidate.  But BO has let down every liberal principle, renege on his campaign primaries, promoting a  corporatist agenda.  So now, BO must GO.  You can take part by helping us implement these action items:

BO Must GO Action Items

  • “Balls For Barry”  — send golf balls to DNC headquarters, a small hint of how we’d like BO to be spending all his time come January 2013;
  • “Promise Breaker”  — the MSM has glossed over BO’s long trail of broken campaign promises while gussying up his few lame achievements.  TLN will compile an accurate list of BO’s broken promises and his ditching of liberal principles for a corporatist agenda.
  • An online petition to the Democratic leadership advising them of our firm commitment not to vote for BO ever again;
  • Swag — bumper stickers, buttons, signs & t-shirts declaring BO Must GO;
  • Video Ad announcing our conviction that BO Must GO.

2. Draft Hillary

In 2008, the most qualified candidate in the Democratic primaries, the one with the most experience, and the broadest appeal among the general public, receive d the most votes.  But she was denied a chance to claim the nomination via a series of despicable chicanery and rule-breaking by Party leaders.  And the beneficiary of all these shenanigans has turned out to be the worst betrayer of liberal ideals ever.

We still believe that Hillary Clinton is by far the best choice for President.  Following her display of clarity, grace, tenacity during the 2008 campaign, Clinton has further proven her excellence while Secretary of State.

TLN’s task is two-fold: 1) Urge Secretary Clinton to run again; 2) Let the Democratic leadership know that the candidate most of us wanted in 2008 is still the candidate we want now.  You can take part by helping us implement these action items:

Draft Hillary Action Items

  • Send Hillary a Valentine on February 14th — Let Hillary know how much we appreciate all she’s done, and beg her for just one more thing — a run in 2012!
  • Hillary ’12 Swag
  • Video ad — Let Hillary and the Democratic Party know we need her;
  • Online Petition — declaring our enthusiastic support for Hillary in 2012!

3.  The True Liberal Nation Platform

TLN will draft a clear yet comprehensive platform, stating our positions in all areas of domestic & foreign policy.  The TLN platform will serve as a guide to all our decision-making, initiatives and messaging.

You can help us by sending us the issues that you feel most strongly about, or by joining the Platform committee.

4. Candidate Rankings

For many of us, it was a painful lesson to learn in recent years that politics is not all black and white — or straight red & blue.  Blind party loyalty no more! –  we will only support candidates who promote true liberal objectives.   To that end, we will develop a ranking of candidates.

Residing on an online database, the TLN Candidate Ranking will serve as  a voters guide.  A feature will allow TLN members will also be able to submit their own “reviews” of candidates.

You can help us by researching candidates in your district and state, or by helping us build & maintain the database.

5. Endorsements & “Undorsements”

Based on candidates’ records and positions, TLN will issue endorsements for every major office.  Unlike other interest groups, however,  TLN will also issue “Undorsements” in each race, specifically identifying the candidates who do not share TLN’s goals.

You can help us by researching candidates in your district and state.

6. The “No Less Than Liberal” Initiative

When the field offered by the established parties offers no true liberals, we will run our own candidates, either in primaries or as independents in the general elections.  Make no mistake — we don’t expect to win.  But the mere presence of TLN candidates on the ballot will underscore  our refusal to accept anything “less than liberal”.

You can help us by running letting us know you’ll run for office.

7.  Local Committees

Ideas are nothing without action.  We need you to form a local TLN committee to help us accomplish our common goals.  Your committee will discuss ideas & issues, work together on initiatives & actions, and give us feedback to help us formulate positions and strategy.

Let us know if you are interested in forming a local TLN Committee.

8. Leadership Council

We are currently forming an steering committee to determine how to best implement these goals and infinitives.  To facilitate our efforts, one of the first steps will be to register as a political action committee.  A leadership council will then be formed to supervise the many TLN efforts.

Let us know if you are interested in participating in the national TLN Committees.

A Grass Seed Movement

As the old adage says, if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself. True Liberal Nation is a nationwide political advocacy movement, but it is nothing without you.  Not astroturfed, not grassroots, TLN is more a “grass seed” movement — we provided the germs of ideas and actions, and you provide the watering and cultivation.

In addition to your participation in our public action items, TLN will need your input, your involvement, and eventually your financial support.  Let us know how you can help by contacting us today at

You can also help by spreading the word:  The True Liberal Nation has awoken, and we demand better!

(c) 2011 by True Liberal Nexus.  All rights reserved.

First action items here and here.

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