I Hate Mondays

In Monday’s good news, Lady Gaga sweeps the VMAs. We love you too, Lady G.

Also, the country from which my soul originates plans on penalizing companies that pay women less. Yes, in fact, I was French in a past life.

But it’s Monday, and things are looking grim. Dakinikat takes on our low information nation at TC.

How do you stand up for what is right and hype people up with fear factor politics at the same time?

Of course, both sides do it.  We’re seeing this now with all the nonsense surrounding the Park51 cultural center and the outrageous rhetoric from Arizona’s Governor on Mexicans supposedly found decapitated in the Sonoran Desert. So many untruths it makes my head spin!  The memes are flying out of the mouths of the stupid and the press seem to just embrace them.  The current memes are couched with look what happens to your lives when the other sides win?  Dogs and Cats openly living together!  Oh, the humanity!!!

Bleak. Especially in California. Between Meg Whitman, the Guvuhnatuh, and Jerry Brown, I don’t know how everyone doesn’t move there.

And the Quran thing will just not die. Apparently, any politician who says Islam is a Religion of peace “cannot be trusted.” I’m sorry, what? Jesus Christ! I am so done talking about this. I mean, Done! Doney, Done Done! I have nothing else to say… EXCEPT this!

OF COURSE Islam isn’t a Religion of Peace! BUT NEITHER IS CHRISTIANITY! Does that mean I shouldn’t trust everyone anyone who says Christianity is a religion of peace? I guess that means I can’t trust any politician. WHOA! What an epiphany!

I sometimes want to recant on my coexist/why can’t we all get along position. If Fundamentalist Christians and Fundamentalist Muslims started getting along, all Hell would break loose. My God, they would be collectively unbearable, always up to some kind of bull shit together. Burning American flags because of Homos in the Military, then burning witches when they get bored with that. Running around in Africa, converting everyone and everything they get their hands on. Gay Prostitution would be the wealthiest industry in the country. There would be houses full of hustlers everywhere, advertisements for them underneath McDonalds Billboards. God Bless America!

I need a drink.

3 Responses

  1. I’ll be french in a future life.

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